Laurajimena (me)
Michael, es mi novio, tiene muy buenas ideas, y es muy bueno para organizar y desarrollar proyectos. Ademas sabe mas de jardineria que yo. Es ingeniero civil, y con el garantizo que mi construccion sea estable.
Michael, is my boyfriend, he has great ideas, and is very clever and organized when it comes to bring projects to reality. He also knows more about gardening than I do. And he is a civil Engineer, so i can guarantee the stability of the construction.
Ramiro, is my instructor and he is also administrating the headquarters with Angela and Natalia.
They can help me gather people to help build the spiral by sending emails to the database of the foundation. Ramiro also knows a lot about gardening in the city, and he is willing to help a lot.
Luis, es mi papa, el tiene buenas ideas de como hacer las cosas, y tambien tiene un carro que voy a necesitar para recoger todos los materiales.
Luis is my father, he has great ideas of how to do things, and he also owns the car, wich I will be needing to transport the materials.

Foto de Monica Amaya.
Estudiantes de la fundacion. Puedo pedirles ayuda por email, y tambien a los que vengan a la reunion semanal de los sabados en la manana. Cualquiera puede venir a ayudar.
Estoy segura de que conseguire la fuerza y la paciencia que necesitamos para construir la espiral.
Students of the foundation. I can ask for help by email but also by asking people at the saturdays meeting. Anyone can help building it.
I am sure I will have the strenght, patience, and the hands ready to help.
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