diciembre 07, 2010

fund raising

So... I was selected!!
I am so Happy!

I can't wait to be there learning.
But for now I have to work hard on getting all the money to pay the course.

I have been knocking doors for the last two weeks, since I got some material done to show the people I am asking for sponsorship. I have had good feedback, but not economically yet.

So I have a plan B, wich is doing the things i know in exchange for donations from the people I know. For doing this, I sent an email to all my contacts, in Facebook and email, asking people to support me.

How can you support me?
1. donating any amount of money you want!
2. participating in the raffle I am doing
3. contacting me with people or business you know that might be interested
4. particiating in the events I am doing to raise funds! (Gourmet Festival)
5. hosting a sushi or burrito party
6. hosting an origami class for groups
7. inviting all your friends to my events and to the raffle
8. ordering my famous carrot cake for christmas season!
9. coming to the henna tatoo marathon

Well this is it.
For now I am preparing everything for the Gourmet Festival, that is taking place next weekend (10th to 12th december), and selling tickets for the raffle.
And in the same time I am waiting for the answers of the institutions where I sent the proposal.

For now, I will continue blogging in my personal blog abriendomicamino.blogspot.com in spanish, and in this one in English.

I'll let you know when I have some answers!

Thank you!!

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